*Peace and Quiet YouTube Videos

Weekly Trips at Walmart

Monday, November 21, 2022

Bike Ride to Sam Davis Home Smyrna, TN 09172022 Biking Outdoor Adventure

This was an interesting ride. i came into it expecting a nice, smooth Greenway type surface, and instead, this was a sidewalk path. i did edit some footage out, mostly because the "getting there" part was a bit more tedious and I felt it would be better to fast forward through that.
and don't worry, I will fix the bell. I think it just needs to be tightened to the handlebar.

Smyrna Greenway Links:

I create these videos of my bike rides to not only share my experiences at these locations, but to hopefully share information with other new and experienced riders. i also want to encourage a community of bike riders that share the same optimism i do about riding my bike.

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